ترک صوفیاء میں شیخ ادیبالی کاکردار: ایک تحقیقی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ
Qur'an & Sunnah, Spiritual Sufism, Teachings, Šykẖ Ādybāly, Teachings.Abstract
Sufism is a spiritual and moral movement based on the fundamental principles of Islamic teachings. Its purpose is spiritual developmentof man, attaining nearness to Allah, and purification of self. The foundation of Sufism is found in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, where dhikr, contemplation and thought were taught. And kindness is taught. There were many Sufi theologians in the Turkish Empire, including Sufis such as Šykẖ Ādybāly, who presented not only Sufism but also martial concepts. While guiding and living the worldly life, he also paid attention to the spiritual journey and the important aspect in it is "purification" which comes for the purification of the heart by which a person can eliminate the defects within himself to connect with Allah and in the teachings of Sufism. Love, sincerity, and service to humanity are included, and they provide a path that leads the individual to the identity of his inner world and the pursuit of God's pleasure.