تکثیری معاشرہ میں انصاف کے اصولوں کے تطبیق سے سیاسی مسائل کا حل: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ

Solving Political Problems by Applying Principles of Justice in a Pluralistic Society: An Exploratory Study


  • Ilyas Ud Din Ph.D Scholar Department of Islamic Studies, SBBU Sheringal, Dir Upper.
  • Dr. Sami ul Haq Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, SBBU Sheringal, Dir Upper.


Pluralistic, Principles, Protection, Justice, Particular.


Justice in its broader context is the real and philosophical term for the fulfillment of the matter known as justice. The concept of justice is based on multiple angles, it has different perspectives. These include moral health, knowledge, law, religion, equality and impartiality. Often the general discussion of justice is seen in relation to the realms of social justice, which are combined with philosophy, theology, religion and the methodology of justice, for which law is studied in particular. Principles of justice in the light of Quran and Sunnah are the basis of any political system. In a pluralistic society like the subcontinent, many political problems can be solved by applying the principles of justice. According to Islamic teachings, the goal of justice is social equality, protection of people's rights, and prevention of oppression. Here we look at various aspects of justice and suggest solutions to political problems through them

