Invitation and Propagation Through Islamic Civilization and Culture


  • Dr. Bushra Assistant Professor, Department Islamic learning, Jinnah University for Women Karachi.
  • Tahira Akber Lecturer, Department Islamic learning, Jinnah University for Women Karachi.
  • Nazia wali Muhammad MPhil Scholar, Department Islamic learning, Jinnah University for Women Karachi.


Dawah, Islamic society, Teachings, Responsibility, Civilization, Hereafter


In today’s era, it is essential to continue the mission of dawah using both traditional methods and modern, legitimate means. The field of spreading the message of truth remains open for Muslims, and every individual in this community can contribute to this great religious duty using the resources available to them. Many Muslims are already working hard using new methods, but it is crucial to approach this task with thoughtfulness, seriousness, and a sense of responsibility. Islam is a complete religion that has influenced the world through its teachings and civilization. Its cultural concept was based on the belief that this world is transient and deceptive, while true success lies in the hereafter, in attaining paradise in the presence of the Lord. A nation with such a belief could not engage in oppression, injustice, mistreatment, or social evils. The Prophet (peace be upon him) established an Islamic society during his lifetime and formed a community of active companions, setting the foundations for Islamic society, social structure, politics, economy, and culture for centuries to come.





