معاشرے میں خاندانی نظام کے بگاڑ کے اسباب:اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Causes of deterioration of family system in society: An Analytical Study in the Light of Islamic Teachings
The role of the family system in the formation of human society is like the basic brick on which the great buildings of civilization and society are built, because the survival of the society is not only difficult but impossible without it. Now, if the above responsibilities are carried out according to Quranic teachings, then their fruits will also appear in the form of a peaceful and happy family. In the same way, domestic problems such as the problem of violence against women, the problem of women's employment and the problem of women's domestic service should be given special attention, so that they can also be solved in the light of the mentioned Islamic teachings.The family system is a basic institution of the society, the success and failure of which depends on the husband and wife. There is a need to reflect on the problems that are creating distortions within the family system, so that they can be solved in the light of Quranic teachings. The impact of technology and individualism can lead to less face-to-face communication and a focus on personal goals. High divorce rates, mobility, and mental health issues further strain family dynamics. Delayed marriages and media influence also play a role. It's essential to understand these factors to protect and strengthen the family system through targeted policies and support.The family system serves as the foundation of society, shaping individual's values and emotional development. However, societal changes have weakened traditional family structures. To address this, strengthening the family system is crucial. Cohesive families promote social stability, support children's development, enhance resilience during challenges, and improve overall health and well-being. They also preserve cultural traditions and have positive long-term economic impacts, making it essential for policy makers and individuals to invest in initiatives that reinforce family support.A strong family system fosters social cohesion and stability while positively impacting individuals' well-being. Research shows that supportive families benefit children's cognitive and emotional development, contribute to better mental and physical health outcomes, and promote cultural preservation. Additionally, cohesive families lead to a more resilient and productive society. Recognizing the significance of family support, policymakers and communities must invest in strategies to strengthen family bonds for a healthier and harmonious society.